Don't listen to the kids
I was looking through your reviews and saw words like rip off and uninspired. I guarentee all the people who said stuff like that haven't made a flash game in their life or they'd appreciate the work more. If this was a "ripoff" then you'd have stolent all the sprites and stuff from and old game. If this were "uninspired" then there wouldn't be cool scroller backgrounds and killer bosses. I love the nuances of how bosses rotate their cannons right before they fire their big laser.
Also, the people complaining that you only get one life obviously haven't played any old school shooters. The whole point is to keep playing the game until you figure out the upgrade pattern that fits your style and helps you beat the game.
Things I love include the great graphics, upgrade mechanics, nuances in boss battles, and slick interface screens.
The only problem I have with this is personal preference. The game seems to be in constant matrix esque bullet time. Other than that, this was a wonderful game and piece of art.